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En una noche como cualquier otra, Jos Victoriano Arteaga, el patriarca de una prspera familia de la ciudad de Mxico, desaparece sin dejar rastro mientras maneja a su casa luego de un da de trabajo. Los Arteaga encuentran pocas respuestas, y cuando comienzan a recibir paquetes con pistas perturbadoras del paradero del abuelo, ellos comienzan su xodo a distintas ciudades del mundo para tratar de rehacer sus vidas. Las historias que presenta Antonio Ruiz-Camacho en este libro, escrito originalmente en ingls, traducido al espaol por el propio autor y aclamado por la crtica estadounidense, ofrecen una ntima y exquisita evocacin de la soledad, el amor, la esperanza, y el miedo que puede unir a los familiares incluso cuando la violencia ms indescriptible amenaza con destruirla.

About the Author

Antonio Ruiz-Camacho

Antonio Ruiz-Camacho (Toluca, Mexico, 1973) is the author of BAREFOOT DOGS (Scribner) , also published in Spanish in translation by the author as LOS PERROS DESCALZOS (Vintage Español; Literatura Random House) , winner of the Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction from the Texas Institute of Letters 2015, Fiction Finalist at the 2015 Writers' League of Texas Book Awards, a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2015, a San Francisco Chronicle Recommended Book of 2015, one of Texas Observer's Five Books We Loved in 2015, and one of PRI's The World's Five Books You Should Read in 2016. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Salon, Texas Monthly, and elsewhere. A former John S. Knight Journalism fellow at Stanford University, a Dobie Paisano fellow in fiction by the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Institute of Letters, and a fiction fellow at Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Sewanee Writers' Conference and Yaddo, he earned his MFA from The New Writers Project at UT Austin. He lives in Austin with his family, where he's currently at work on a novel.

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