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Just like snowflakes, no two sisters are alike, but that doesn't mean they can't work together to make the perfect snow day! A heartwarming sibling story from the illustrator of That's Me Loving You.When snowflakes fall, two sisters react very differently. One is excited and the other is wary. The first sister spends the morning outdoors, playing until she's all tuckered out. Meanwhile, the second sister stays indoors, becoming ever more curious about the drifts outside. Soon, they switch places, and spend the second half of the day retracing each other's footsteps. But each sister puts her own unique spin on activities like sledding, baking and building. The simple mirrored text is spare and lovely, and each spread is split to show what each sister is doing independently--until at last they come together in the sweet, satisfying conclusion.

About the Author

Kerri Kokias

Kerri's writing features unique structures, playful language, humor, tension, tenderness, simple text, and complicated characters. She has a good vision for how text and art can work together to tell a complete story. Kerri credits most of her story ideas to her "fly on the wall" personality. This means she's both a keen observer of social interactions and a nosey eavesdropper. Kerri lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband, two children, and three dogs.You can learn more about Kerri at https://www.kerrikokias.com.

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