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Hay una fuerte conexión bíblica entre las personas y los árboles. Ambos provienen de la suciedad. A ambos se les dice que den fruto. De hecho, el lenguaje arbóreo se aplica tan a menudo a los humanos que es fácil pasarlo por alto, ya sea que estemos hablando de árboles genealógicos, pasando nuestra semilla, cortando a alguien como una rama, estando arraigado en un lugar o llevando el fruto del Espíritu. Es difícil negar que los árboles significan algo, teológicamente hablando.. Este libro es en muchos sentidos una memoria, pero también es un intento de despertar al lector a la gloria de Dios brillando a través de su creación. Uno de los primeros mandamientos a Adán y Eva fue «trabajar y guardar» el jardín. El galardonado autor y compositor Andrew Peterson, siendo lo más honesto posible, comparte una historia de infancia, dolor, redención y paz, caminando a través de un bosque de recuerdos: «Confío en que al contar mi historia, te encontrarás con la tuya.
About the Author
Andrew Peterson
Hey, folks. If you're just discovering me or any of my work, it can be a little confusing because there are several facets to it. Here's the rundown:* I write songs. I also record them to these cool things called CDs and put on concerts around the country. (And beyond! To my great delight, I get to play in Europe every year or so.) * I write books. I've written a four-book fantasy series for young readers called the Wingfeather Saga. I also drew some of the pictures (but not the awesome ones) . (WingfeatherSaga.com) I've also written a memoir about the creative life called Adorning the Dark.* I'm the founder of the Rabbit Room, a community of songwriters, authors, and artists interested in storytelling, faith, and fellowship. We have a yearly conference called Hutchmoot, which is as strange and wonderful as it sounds. (RabbitRoom.com) * I've been married for twenty-six years to Jamie, and we have three sweet (grown) children: Aedan (22) , Asher (21) , and Skye (18) . Jamie and I live in a magical place we call the Warren, just south of Nashville.The common thread in all this is my love for Christ and his Kingdom, my belief in the power of story and art, and my need for family and community. If I had to boil it all down, I'd say this: I want to use my gifts to tell the truth, and to tell it as beautifully as I can.That ought to get you started. For a more in-depth look at what I do, visit Andrew-Peterson.com. Thanks!
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