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Ever worry that your email to a client might have embarrassing grammar mistakes? That your report for your boss won't meet expectations? That your professor will find fault with your mid-term paper? Communication skills are valued in every field and every position. Whether you're in the classroom, you've been out of it for a while, or you've just grown accustomed to texting and today's digital shortcuts, now's the time to jump back into the grammar game. The easy-to-follow tips in Grammar For People Who Hate Rules, a straightforward guide that will help you avoid many of today's common word and punctuation errors, will remind you what you've forgotten and help you elevate your writing skills to a new level. English grammar and usage can be confusing! Even the best writers sometimes pause to consider word and punctuation choices.
About the Author
Kathleen A Watson
Writing and grammar expert Kathleen Watson, fondly known as The Ruthless Editor, has nearly three decades of experience in both corporate and academic worlds. She has taught business people how to fine-tune their communication style, college students how to strengthen their writing, and Ph.D. candidates how to polish their dissertations. Kathy also has experience as a fiction and nonfiction book copy editor, working with a mix of new and experienced authors. In addition to writing her own book on grammar, she blogs at RuthlessEditor.com, sharing tips on how to write to get the job you want, earn the promotion you've worked hard for, and artfully explain your best ideas. An avid reader who divides her time between Arizona and Wisconsin, she enjoys exploring the contrasts, history and unique scenic wonders of each state.
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