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On a beautiful day at the beach a young boy brings his bucket shovel and imagination and builds a perfect sand castle Right away a dragon moves in The boy decides to befriend his dragon and they spend time roaming the shore flying a kite braving the waves defying bullies and roasting marshmallowsall whileDad is busy sunbathing andMom is engrossed in her book Unfortunately no one believes the boy when he tries to share the news of this magnificent creature Thats when the mischief begins and the dragon becomes a force to be reckoned with While adults will recognize the naughty antics as a ploy for attention children will dissolve into giggles as the dragon devours every last sandwich blows bubbles in the lemonade and leaves claw prints in the brownies Maybe the dragon really is running amok on the beach or maybe its a little boys imagination that is running wild.

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