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Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers is a parent-friendly curriculum for teaching your teens how to live as morally and financially responsible adults. The book includes instructions for customizing the curriculum for all teens, whether they're work-bound or college-bound.This third edition is completely updated and expanded, and includes six new projects to prepare teens for a life of managing their money with a goal of financial freedom. A new section, "Work or College?" helps you determine if your teenager is "college material," and explains how to help your teen find the careers that have the best prospects in the new economy.Step-by-step projects (requiring minimal preparation by parents) teach your teens about debit and credit cards, health insurance, taxes, debt (including student loans) , and many other subjects they'll face once they're on their own.

About the Author

Barbara Frank

Barbara Frank is the mother of four homeschooled-from-birth young adults, the president of Cardamom Publishers and the author of several books including "Thriving in the 21st Century," "The Imperfect Homeschooler's Guide to Homeschooling" and "Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers."

Her work has appeared in publications including "Focus on the Family" magazine and "The Old Schoolhouse" magazine. She has a journalism degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Find her on the web at www.BarbaraFrankOnline.com and www.thrivinginthe21stcentury.com.

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