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It's 1935, and tuberculosis is ravaging the nation. Everyone is afraid of this deadly respiratory illness. But what happens when you actually have it?. When Halle and her mother both come down with TB, they are shunned - and then they are sent to the J.N. Adam Tuberculosis Hospital: far from home, far from family, far from the world.. Tucked away in the woods of upstate New York, the hospital is a closed and quiet place. But it is not, Halle learns, a prison. Free of her worried and difficult father for the first time in her life, she slowly discovers joy, family, and the healing power of honey on the children's ward, where the girls on the floor become her confidantes and sisters. But when Mama suffers a lung hemorrhage, their entire future - and recovery - is thrown into question.

About the Author

Mindy Nichols Wendell

Mindy Nichols Wendell is a middle grade author. Before beginning her writing career, she taught English for thirty years. She always felt lucky to get paid for doing a job she loved. Mindy and her husband live in Western New York, not far from the ruins of the sanatorium that inspired Light and Air. These days, when she's not writing or reading or taking long walks in quiet places, Mindy is probably visiting her grandsons.

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