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With gripping action and heart-wrenching emotion, Charles Martin continues to explore the true power of sacrificial love.Murphy Shepherd's last rescue mission very nearly cost him his life. He'd like nothing more than to stay close to his wife and daughters for a while. But Bones's brother must be stopped, and there are so many who need to know that they are worth rescuing.As the cat-and-mouse game moves into the open, Murphy is tested at every turn - both physically and mentally. And then the unthinkable happens: his beloved mentor and friend is taken. Without a trace.Murphy lives by the mantra that love shows up. But how can he do that when he has no leads With heart-stopping clarity, The Record Keeper explores the true cost of leaving the ninety-nine to find the one.

About the Author

Charles Martin

CHARLES MARTIN is a New York Times bestselling author of 13 previous novels, including his most recent, 'Send Down The Rain.' His work is available in 30 languages. He lives in Jacksonville, Florida with his wife and their three sons.

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