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Utanapishtim has paid dearly for the sin of creating the vampire race—imprisoned in a living death for centuries, driven to near madness. With a single white-hot glance, he immolates his descendants…and the vampire Armageddon begins.Beautiful and deadly Brigit Poe, not wholly vampire but fiercely loyal to that shared bloodline, is called into action. She abhors yet cannot deny her destiny: to vanquish the once-great king of the immortals and save the vampire race.Two warriors, equally matched in power and determination, are soon locked in an unwinnable battle, only to discover a passion so shocking it threatens every truth they've ever known—even as they must face one final battle that seems fated to end in death and heartbreak for them both.

About the Author

Maggie Shayne

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I am Maggie Shayne and I am a Goddess. And so are you.

I am the matriarch of a clan of amazing young women, all of whom are catching up to my age, because I long ago decided to stop counting.

I have come to a place of serenity and wisdom I never dreamed I would possess back when I thought I already knew everything.

I spent years studying witchcraft, became a priestess, and then a high priestess, and then an elder, and then, by the Old Law, a Witch Queen. I've jumped the bonfire on Solstice Eve, and drummed the night away while witches danced. But my spell casting lately consists of deciding what I want, and it arrives. No poof of purple smoke or glitter. But I'm working on that. Magic is just an expression of the universal law of attraction, you see.

I was born a storyteller, and I will cross the other side a storyteller, and when I get there, I'll haunt some young writer who's still on earth by whispering my stories into her ears, because I'll still be a story teller. I think that's what our muses are. Storytellers gone by. I am so incredibly blessed, because I got a really good one. I love her.

For 22 years, I wrote stories that were published by major houses in New York City. I wrote soaps for a year, Guiding Light and As the World Turns. (It wasn't anywhere near as much fun as it sounds.)

I published more than 60 novels with Harlequin, Berkley, Avon, St. Martin's Press, Pocket Books and others. But things started to change. I started to change. I was chafing at the bit. They stopped letting me write what I wanted to write. They started axing my proposals and suggesting their own. It wasn't fun anymore. I wasn't happy anymore.

The signals were clear, but I'd been doing the same thing the same way for a long time, and I didn't take the hints right away. It got a lot more unpleasant before I finally had no choice but to walk away. It was March 1st, 2014. And it was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done.
I took a leap of faith, and a net appeared. The net's name was Jessica, one of my daughters, who said, "It's about time, Mom. Now I'm gonna make you a million bucks."

I set up my own business. I stepped into my own power. I convinced myself that I could learn whatever needed to be learned, and I was right about that.

My middle daughter Jessica jumped into action and taught herself ebook formatting and graphic design. (And a thousand more things since then. She is brilliant.) We started formatting my old books whose rights had reverted back to me and releasing them ourselves.

I kept writing new books, too. My firstborn, Jena, became my editor. Both girls have Masters in English and education. (I don't have any de

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