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1886, New York City: Charlotte Gleason, a rich heiress from England, escapes a family crisis by traveling to America in order to marry the even wealthier Conrad Tremaine. She soon decides that an arranged marriage is not for her and persuades her maid, Dora, to take her place. What begins as the whim of a spoiled rich girl wanting adventure becomes a test of survival. As for Dora, she lives a fairy tale complete with gowns, jewels, and lavish mansions--yet is tormented by guilt and the presence of another love that will not die. Will their masquerade be discovered? Will one of them have second thoughts?  Will love win out? There is no guarantee the switch will work. It's a risk. It's the chance of a lifetime.

About the Author

Nancy Moser

Nancy Moser is the author of over forty books. Her award-winning stories will inspire you to discover your unique God-given purpose. Her genres include both contemporary and historical stories, inspirational humor, and children's books. Her newest release, "Eyes of Our Heart", showcases a group of ordinary people who are called to discover where God is working in their lives--and join Him. Another recent release is "The Shop Keepers", book #3 of the Pattern Artist series about a group of women designing fashion and opening their own store in 1911-19 New York City. The first book in the series, "The Pattern Artist", was a finalist for a Romantic Times award. Other recent titles include the time-travel historicals, "Where Time Will Take Me", "Where Life Will Lead Me", and the Downton Abbey-inspired Manor House Series beginning with "Love of the Summerfields." Her historical bio-novels allow real women-of-history to share their life stories: "Just Jane" (Jane Austen) , "Mozart's Sister" (Nannerl Mozart) ,"Washington's Lady" (Martha Washington) and "How Do I Love Thee? " (Elizabeth Barrett Browning.) "An Unlikely Suitor" was named to Booklist's Top 100 Romance Novels of the last decade. Nancy's time-travel novel, "Time Lottery", won a Christy Award, and "Washington's Lady" was a finalist. Her contemporary books are known for their big-casts and intricate plotting. Some titles are "The Invitation", "John 3: 16", "The Sister Circle", "The Seat Beside Me", and "The Good Nearby". She also has a book of inspirational humor: "Save Me, God! I Fell in the Carpool" and two children's picture books, and a book of illustrated verse: "100 Verses of Encouragement." Nancy and her husband live in the Midwest. She's earned a degree in architecture, traveled extensively in Europe, and has performed in numerous theaters, symphonies, and choirs. She is a fan of anything antique--humans included. Website: nancymoser.com

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