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When it comes to quilting, Maggie Newcomb is all thumbs. And nobody rubs it in more than Emma Jean Stoddard. But Maggie swallows her ire for one simple reason--she has a crush on Emma Jeans handsome son, Colby, and doesnt want to ruin her chances. So she works hard to become the best quilter in Maintown. Her plan seems to be working--that is, until Tamara Brennan comes to town. Tamara is wealthy and poised as well as beautiful, and immediately turns Colbys head. Evan Parker is smitten by Tamara, too, but unlike Colby, he isnt the dashing, athletic type. Hes very smart, no doubt, but rather bookish and unexciting.Maggie forms a plan: Shell help Evan win Tamaras affection so that Colby will once again notice her. But befriending Evan has unforeseen consequences, and before long, Maggie is more confused than ever about what she truly desires in life.

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