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A witty, friendly, unexpected job hunter's bible that finally answers the real questions. Yes, if you're wedded to your nose ring, wear it to the interview. No, you shouldn't be e-mailing out hundreds of rsums. Writing with enormous authority and a compelling, lively voice, Ellen Reeves brings together her lifetime of experience of hiring, counseling, and rsum-doctoring into an essential guide for young job seekers.Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview takes readers step-by-step through a process that was always tough, but is today especially challenging. Begin the search with a professional mind-set -- get organized, and set yourself up with business cards, a respectable e-mail address, and a working cell phone. The importance of networking and the rule of three -- try to make three e-mails or phone calls a day, but never more than that. The "elevator speech" -- hone your pitch to the length of an elevator ride and be prepared to use it at the most unexpected times. The art of writing cringe-free cover letters and killer rsums -- from timelines, hooks, and grammatical do's and don'ts to why you should never use the phrase "References available upon request," never include your GPA, and never, ever make a typo. How to dress for an interview, including why to put on your business clothes when interviewing at home, over the phone. Things to be honest about: citizenship and past salary range. And things not to say: "I want this job because I need health insurance."Then once you're in, how to negotiate salary, what to expect in a review, and basic first job common sense: take initiative, be humble and helpful, never use your boss as a confidant, and always say "I'll find out" instead of "I don't know." Now you're on your way.