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Dog therapist Allie Babcock is back -- and she has a bone to pick with a killer!

About the Author

Leslie O'Kane

Leslie O'Kane has written 28 novels, all of which have two things in common--they are laugh-out-loud funny, and at least one crime takes place in each book. Her all-time favorite review was Oline Cogdill's in the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel who wrote: "Leslie O'Kane is certainly on her way to making her Molly Masters series the I Love Lucy of amateur sleuths." A member of two book clubs herself, Leslie gears her books for the lighter, optimistic side of women's groups. She writes lively, page-turning books that are quick, entertaining reads. Her books are described as somewhere between Where'd You Go, Bernadette? and The Thin Woman. Maintaining a sense of humor is a mainstay of Leslie's life. Many years ago, when taken hostage in a robbery by an irate customer afterhours at the bar where she was head waitress, Leslie thought, "This guy is taking his having missed last call way too seriously." That made her laugh, which in turn made the robber strike her with his shotgun. The experience taught her that writing about crimes is much more fun than taking part in them.

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