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CUL SER L A GRAN ESPERANZA QUE SOSTIENE SU VIDAEste libro revolucionario acerca de nuestro futuro se basa en la sencilla idea de que, segn la Biblia, el cielo no es nuestro hogar eterno, sino la tierra nueva. Tal como Jess afirma en el Evangelio de Mateo, el prximo captulo de nuestra historia comienza con la renovacin de todas las cosas, refirindose a la tierra que amamos en toda su belleza, nuestro propio ser y las cosas que enriquecen la vida: la msica, el arte, la comida, las risas y todo lo que atesoramos. Todo ha de serrenovado cuando la tierra sea hecha nueva.La manera en que imagina su futuro determina su experiencia actual ms que cualquier otra cosa. Si estuviera seguro que Dios restaurar, en cualquier momento, su vida y todo lo que disfruta; si estuviera seguro que recibir una bendicin grande y gloriosa, no en el cielo sino aqu en esta tierra, tendra una esperanza que le ayudara a enfrentar cualquier circunstancia, una certeza en el alma, la cual tenemos como segura y firme ancla del alma, y que penetra hasta dentro del velo (Hebreos 6.19) .La mayora de los cristianos no esperan el futuro con ansias porque sus ideas acerca del cielo son confusas, religiosas y, francamente, aburridas. La esperanza surge cuando comprendemos que para el creyente nada est perdido. El cielo no es una vida en las nubes; no consiste en canciones de adoracin perpetuas. Ms bien, la vida que anhelamos, el paraso que Adn y Eva conocieron, es precisamente la vida que est preparada para nosotros.Y ESA VIDA VIENE PRONTO.
About the Author
John Eldredge
John Eldredge is an author (you probably figured that out), a counselor, and teacher. He is also president of Ransomed Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own heart in his love, and learn to live in his Kingdom. John grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles (which he hated), and spent his boyhood summers on his grandfather's cattle ranch in eastern Oregon (which he loved). John met his wife Stasi in high school (in drama class). But their romance did not begin until they each came to faith in Christ, after high school. John earned his undergraduate degree in Theater at Cal Poly, and directed a theater company in Los Angeles for several years before moving to Colorado with Focus on the Family, where he taught at the Focus on the Family Institute.John earned his master's degree in Counseling from Colorado Christian University, under the direction of Larry Crabb and Dan Allender. He worked as a counselor in private practice before launching Ransomed Heart in 2000. John and Stasi live in Colorado Springs with their three sons (Samuel, Blaine and Luke), their golden retriever (Oban), and two horses (Whistle and Kokolo). While all of this is factually true, it somehow misses describing an actual person. He loves the outdoors passionately, and all beauty, Shakespeare, bow hunting, a good cigar, anything having to do with adventure, poetry, March Madness, working in the shop, fly fishing, classic rock, the Tetons, fish tacos, George MacDonald, green tea, buffalo steaks, dark chocolate, wild and open places, horses running, and too much more to name. He also uses the expression "far out" way too much.
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