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Mulan meets Iron Widow in this thrilling silkpunk fantasy about a girl who must disguise herself as a boy and enter the famed and dangerous Engineer's Guild trials to unravel the mystery of her father's murder.. Eighteen-year-old Aihui Ying dreams of becoming a world-class engineer like her father, but after his sudden murder, her life falls apart. Left with only a journal of her father's engineering secrets and a jade pendant snatched from the assassin, a heartbroken Ying follows the trail to the capital and the prestigious Engineers Guild - a place that harbors her father's hidden past - determined to discover why anyone would threaten a man who ultimately chose a quiet life over fame and fortune. . Disguised as her brother, Ying manages to infiltrate the guild's male-only apprenticeship trial with the help of an unlikely ally - Aogiya Ye-yang, the taciturn eighth prince of the High Command.

About the Author

Amber Chen

Amber Chen is a Singaporean-Chinese author who writes in the genres of SFF and contemporary. Her debut YA novel OF JADE AND DRAGONS is forthcoming from Penguin Teen in Summer 2024. She spends much of her free time living within Chinese fantasy novels and dramas, and also drinks one too many cups of bubble tea. One of her webnovels, , has been adapted for television.

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