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New York Times bestselling author Mark Synnott has climbed with Alex Honnold. He's scaled Mt. Everest. But in 2022, he realized there was a dream he'd never realized - to sail the Northwest Passage in his own boat, a feat only four hundred or so sailors had ever accomplished - and in doing so, try to solve the mystery of what happened to legendary nineteenth-century explorer Sir John Franklin and his ships, HMS Erebus and Terror. Only a few hundred vessels have ever transited the Northwest Passage, stretching through Canada's north from Maine to Alaska - and substantially fewer have completed the treacherous journey in a fiberglass-hulled boat like Polar Sun. But Mark Synnott was determined to add his name to the list, and in doing so, also investigate a 175-year-old mystery, that of what happened to the legendary captain Sir John Franklin and his crew aboard the legendary HMS Erebus and HMS Terror.

About the Author

Mark Synnott

Excerpt from Mark's "Mark Synnott is a New York Times bestselling author, a pioneering big wall climber and one of the most prolific adventurers of his generation. His search for unclimbed and unexplored rock walls has taken him on more than 30 expeditions to places like Alaska, Baffin Island, Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, Patagonia, Guyana, Venezuela, Pakistan, Nepal, India, China, Tibet, Uzbekistan, Russia, Cameroon, Chad, Borneo, Oman and Pitcairn Island. Closer to home, Mark has climbed Yosemite's El Capitan 24 times, including several one-day ascents. "Author image: Paul Reitano, used here by permission of the author

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