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The enthralling, can't-put-down account of the birth of the modern FBI.. J. Edgar Hoover was the face of the FBI. But the federal agents in the field, relentlessly chasing the most notorious gangsters of the 1930s with their own lives on the line, truly transformed the Bureau.. In 1932, the FBI lacked jurisdiction over murder cases, bank robberies, and kidnappings. Relegated to the sidelines, agents spent their days at their desks. But all of that changed during the War on Crime. Hunting down infamous public enemies in tense, frequently blood-soaked shootouts, the Bureau was thrust onto the front pages for the first time.. Young agents, fresh out of law school and anticipating a quiet, white-collar job, faced off with murderous felons who were heavily armed, clad in bulletproof vests, and owned cars that outraced the best vehicles the Bureau had.

About the Author

John Oller

John Oller, a lawyer, is the author of seven books, including "The Swamp Fox: How Francis Marion Saved the American Revolution" (Da Capo, 2016) . His "American Queen: The Rise and Fall of Kate Chase Sprague - Civil War 'Belle of the North' and Gilded Age Woman of Scandal," was published by Da Capo in 2014. It has been praised by Pulitzer prize-winning author Debby Applegate as "a terrific work of historical research and reconstruction" which tells "the story of the Civil War and its scandalous aftermath - its assassinations, impeachments and sexual hijinks - from an entirely fresh perspective." His first book, "Jean Arthur: The Actress Nobody Knew" (Limelight Editions, 1997) , was lauded by film critic Leonard Maltin, who called it "an exceptional piece of work" and "an outstanding biography . . . among the best I've read in years." A recent update to "Jean Arthur" can be found at John's website blog (www.johnollernyc.com) , along with some new Kate Chase information. Born in Huron, Ohio, John is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a B.A. in journalism (summa cum laude) , having written and edited for the daily student newspaper, the Lantern, and interned as a reporter for such newspapers as the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Rochester Times-Union. His undercover exposé on the infiltration of the Ohio State campus by the "Moonies" religious cult led to his selection as a congressional journalism intern in Washington, D.C., where he wrote press releases for a Michigan congressman.After college he obtained his law degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. (magna cum laude) , and joined the law firm of Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York as an associate in the litigation department. For many years he represented Major League Baseball in many high-profile cases, including the celebrated George Brett "Pine Tar" case and the Pete Rose gambling case. As a partner in the firm, he went on to specialize in complex commercial and securities litigation, and was a principal author of the Audit Committee Report for Cendant Corporation (at the time, the most massive fraud in American corporate history) ; the New York Times called the report a definitive case study in the area of accounting irregularities and fraud. He taught legal writing as part of his firm's continuing legal education program for many years, and is the author of "One Firm - A Short History of Willkie Farr & Gallagher, 1888 -- ". He holds the record as a four-time winner of the firm's annual golf tournament in Florida. At the end of 2011, John retired from active legal practice to concentrate on his writing career. Since then, in addition to "American Queen," he has published an e-book, "An All-American Murder," a true crime story of a murder in Columbus, Ohio in 1975. It led to the reopening and resolution of the 40-year-ol

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