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A guide for girls of color looking to find their voice and claim space as they prepare for high school, college, and their careers, from the bestselling author of The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table.When you're a girl of color, figuring out how to find your voice and make sure everyone around you can hear it is essential. CEO and bestselling author Minda Harts knows - she's been there. And she's ready to walk you through it all with her own stories of success and the missteps that helped her grow - from running for high school student council when she was barely tall enough to reach the podium, to starting her own company, The Memo LLC, that helps women of color advocate for themselves and their careers. Now she's here to hype you up and be real with you about: * Building your squad: what to look for in a friend, finding mentors, and setting boundaries for healthy relationships * Saying what you mean without saying it mean: prepping yourself for self-advocacy, negotiations, and tough conversations * Leaning into courage: affirming yourself, dealing with no's, and speaking up even when you feel like the "only one"With lots of practical advice and real-life anecdotes, as well as questions for reflection and further resources, this book is all about finding your own unique path to success - at school, at work, at home, and beyond.

About the Author

Minda Harts

Minda Harts is a well connected, sought after speaker and thought-leader, frequently speaking on topics of Advancing Women of Color, Leadership, Diversity, and Entrepreneurship. In 2018, Minda was named as one of 25 Emerging Innovators by American Express. Minda is an assistant professor of public service of NYU's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and the founder of The Memo LLC, a career development company for women of color. Minda was also chosen by General Assembly to serve as one of their Dream Mentors, alongside women like Cindy Gallop. Secure The Seat is her weekly career podcast for women of color.

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