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The prize-winning, bestselling author of Peaces and Gingerbread returns with a novel about competitive friendship, the elastic boundaries of storytelling, and the meddling influence of a city called Prague. In Helen Oyeyemi's joyous new novel, the Czech capital is a living thing - one that can let you in or spit you out.. For reasons of her own, Hero Tojosoa accepts an invitation she was half expected to decline, and finds herself in Prague on a bachelorette weekend hosted by her estranged friend Sofie. Little does she know she's arrived in a city with a penchant for playing tricks on the unsuspecting. A book Hero has brought with her seems to be warping her mind: the text changes depending on when it's being read and who's doing the reading, revealing startling new stories of fictional Praguers past and present.

About the Author

Helen Oyeyemi

Helen Oyeyemi is a British novelist. She lives in Prague with an ever-increasing perfume wardrobe- let's just say the bottle count exceeds 150 but is less than 300- and has written ten books so far, none of which contain 'magical realism'. (Can't fiction sometimes get extra fictional without being called such names?!) Number One Daydream these days: writing a novel or story that inspires a fragrance.

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