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"WHERE LAW ENDS TYRANNY BEGINS" - John Locke, inscribed on the wall of DOJ headquarters in Washington, D.C.In May 2017, Robert Mueller was tapped tolead aninquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, coordination by foreign agents with Donald Trump's campaign, and obstruction of justice by the president.Mueller assembled a "dream team" of top prosecutors, and for the next twenty-two months, the investigation was a black box and the subject of endless anticipation and speculation - until April 2019, whenthespecial counsel's report was released.In Where Law Ends, legendaryprosecutorAndrewWeissmann - a key player in the Special Counsel's Office - finally pulls back the curtain to reveal exactly what went on inside the investigation, including the heated debates, painful deliberations, and mistakes of the team - not to mention the external efforts by the president and Attorney General William Barr to manipulate the investigation to their political ends.

About the Author

Andrew Weissmann

From The New York Times:A Mueller Prosecutor Presents A Riveting CaseAndrew Weissmann, a top lawyer in the special counsel's office, details the investigators' findings and frustrations in his new memoir, "Where Law Ends." "Weissmann delivers the kind of forceful, ringing indictment that Mueller's report did not.""'Mobsters used the threat of 'whacking' potential cooperators to keep everyone in line,' Weissmann writes. 'The president had the power to pardon to reward those who stayed loyal.' It's a startling analogy that Weissmann delivers in his characteristically muted, matter-of-fact style. Unlike the other Trump books that get hyped as "explosive," this one lays out its case so patiently that its conclusions arrive not with a bang but with a snap - the click of an indictment falling into place."https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/21/books/review-where-law-ends-andrew-weissmann.html? smid=em-shareNPR Fresh Air:A Lead Prosecutor On Mueller's Team Weighs In On Where The Investigation Fell Shorthttps://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/918129496/a-lead-prosecutor-on-muellers-team-weighs-in-on-where-the-investigation-fell-shoPublisher's Weekly: "Attorney Weissmann delivers a lucid and engrossing insider's look at Special Counsel Robert Mueller's inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 election."Time:"The book reads like a love letter to future historians."

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