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An adorable board book for the babies and toddlers of gay fathers, featuring a variety of diverse, loving families with two dads.Families with same-sex parents are celebrated in this board book that follows busy dads and their kids throughout their day - eating breakfast, getting dressed, heading out to the park, and settling back in at night with a bubble bath and a good-night lullaby. LGBTQ+ parents and their friends and families will welcome this inclusive and cheerful book that reflects their own lives and family makeup. With artwork by acclaimed fashion illustrator Izak Zenou, this is a stylish, smart, humorous, family-focused book that will have babies and their two dads giggling as they enjoy it together. It's an ideal baby-shower and first-birthday gift.And look for its companion board book, My Two Moms and Me.

About the Author

Michael Joosten

Michael Joosten is a children's book writer and editor living in New York with his nugget-like Chihuahua, Olive. Some of the picture books that inspired his love of the genre include:King Bidgood's in the Bathtub(Don & Audrey Wood) Blueberries for Sal(Robert McCloskey) The Whingdingdilly(Bill Peet) Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters(John Steptoe) The Mitten(Alvin Tresselt & Yaroslava)

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