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A young girl learns bittersweet life lessons on the family farm after her sister gets polio, in this poignant and funny novel set in the heartland in the 1940s. Pixie's defenses are up, and it's no wonder. She's been uprooted, the chickens seem to have it in for her, and now her beloved sister, Charlotte, has been stricken with polio and whisked away into quarantine. So it's not surprising Pixie lashes out. But her habit of making snap judgements -- and giving her classmates nicknames like "Rotten Ricky" and "Big-Mouth Berta" -- hasn't won her any friends. At least life on the farm is getting better with the delivery of its newest resident -- a runt baby lamb. Raising Buster takes patience and understanding -- and this slowing down helps Pixie put things in better perspective.

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