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En el Madrid excitado de 1980, el antao exitoso director de cine Eduardo Muriel encarga al joven Juan De Vere que investigue y sonsaque a un amigo suyo de media vida, el Doctor Jorge Van Vechten, de cuyo indecente comportamiento en el pasado le han llegado rumores. Ese trabajo permitir al muchacho asistir al extrao, desequilibrado presente del matrimonio del cineasta con Beatriz Noguera y asomarse a sus misteriosos agravios pretritos. Descubrir as que no hay justicia desinteresada, sino que est siempre contaminada por el rencor personal, y que todo perdn o castigo son arbitrarios. Con su prosa inteligente y profunda, Javier Maras nos brinda una novela sobre el deseo, que a menudo se impone a todo escrpulo, lealtad o respeto, y sobre nuestra imperfecta contemplacin de los hechos, siempre tuerta: a veces por fuerza, a veces por entera decisin nuestra.

About the Author

Javier Marias

Javier Marías is an award-winning Spanish novelist. He is also a translator and columnist, as well as the current king of Redonda. He was born in Madrid in 1951 and published his first novel at the age of nineteen. He has held academic posts in Spain, the US (he was a visiting professor at Wellesley College) and Britain, as a lecturer in Spanish Literature at Oxford University. He has been translated into 34 languages, and more than six million copies of his books have been sold worldwide. In 1997 he won the Nelly Sachs Award; the Comunidad de Madrid award in 1998; in 2000 the Grinzane Cavour Award, the Alberto Moravia Prize, and the Dublin IMPAC Award. He also won the Spanish National Translation Award in 1979 for his translation of Tristram Shandy in 1979. He was a professor at Oxford University and the Complutense of Madrid. He currently lives in Madrid.

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