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This fully illustrated book is a dazzling overview of the overlooked art of male jewelry, an increasingly popular adornment of the well-dressed man. With its long and fascinating history, men's jewelry contains countless stories -- behind each tiny piece often lies a complex narrative of patronage and craftsmanship.Men's style aficionado James Sherwood draws on his style expertise and insider's knowledge of the industry to tell the story of men's relationship with jewelry. He presents the contemporary artisans who keep the practice alive and profiles and illustrates works by key jewelers, including Tiffany & Co. and Cartier. Hundreds of exquisite photographs, many specially commissioned, of rings, cufflinks, bracelets, and more, chart changing fashions and evolving attitudes to men's jewelry over the centuries.

About the Author

James Sherwood

London-based author, broadcaster and curator James Sherwood is the author of Savile Row: The Master Tailors of British Bespoke (2010), Fashion at Royal Ascot: Three Centuries of Thoroughbred Style (2011) and The Perfect Gentleman: The Pursuit of Timeless Elegance & Style in London (2012) all published by Thames & Hudson for whom he is Luxury Editor. He has edited the Louis Vuitton Guides to London for seven years and commentated for the BBC on fashion at Royal Ascot for eight. He has written for every British broadsheet newspaper as well as the International Herald Tribune and the New York Times. He is the editor-at-large of The Rake men's style journal and writes for The World of Interiors and the Daily Telegraph. Sherwood consults for the Savoy hotel and curates the Savoy Museum. In 2012 he was a consultant for Anderson & Sheppard's new shop at No 17 Clifford Street. He is the archivist-in-residence for Savile Row founding father Henry Poole & Co and writes a weekly Hall of Fame online biography on Poole's website. His weekly Letters from Bloomsbury Square on his website (www.james-sherwood.com) is read by 20,000 of his closest friends. For 2013, Sherwood is working on a book project with the Savoy and Henry Poole & Co.

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