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Chaos and order clash in this riveting exploration of crime and punishment on the Internet.With a new afterword that brings the books stories up to date, including law enforcements dramatic seizure of the online black market Silk Road.Once considered a borderless and chaotic virtual landscape, the Internet is now home to the forces of international law and order. Its not just computer hackers and cyber crooks who lurk in the dark corners of the Webthe cops are there, too.In The Internet Police, Ars Technica editor Nate Anderson takes readers on a behind-the-screens tour of landmark cybercrime cases, revealing how criminals continue to find digital and legal loopholes even as police hurry to cinch them closed. From the Cleveland man whose natural male enhancement pill inadvertently protected the privacy of your e-mail to the Russian spam king who ended up in a Milwaukee jail to the Australian arrest that ultimately led to the breakup of the largest child pornography ring in the United States, Anderson draws on interviews, court documents, and law-enforcement reports to reconstruct accounts of how online policing actually works.

About the Author

Nate Anderson

Nate is the deputy editor at Ars Technica, where he writes about technology law and policy. His work has also been published in outlets like The Economist and Foreign Policy. His first computer was an Atari 600XL with a tape drive and so little memory that it could be filled just by typing in programs from magazines.

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