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En busca del placer Day Leclaire A pesar de que una vez se escap de su lado, Gabe Piretti no haba olvidado la mente despierta ni el cuerpo estilizado de Catherine Haile. Estaba tramando cmo conseguir que volviera a formar parte de su vida, y de su cama, cuando ella le pidi ayuda para salvar su negocio. Gabe se aprovech de su desesperacin para conseguir lo que quera: a ella. Pero qu pasara cuando tuviera que elegir entre el trabajo y el placer de una mujer tan seductora

About the Author

Day Leclaire

Day Leclaire is a USA Today Bestselling author of more than 60 novels. Her witty, passionate, warmhearted stories have earned her an impressive 10 RITA nominations, Romance Writers of America's highest writing award.

She lives on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and in her spare time fosters dogs for the SPCA. "There's nothing more rewarding than rescuing a dog on the verge of death and restoring him to health, so his beauty shines through. They're so desperate to be loved and to find a 'forever' home. It's a true joy to train them to be a family pet and then match them with the right people."

When Day isn't training dogs, she's busy writing her books, playing god with the fabulous characters and settings she creates--all within the confines of her computer world, of course. Or so she claims...!

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