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Strobing lights and dark rooms; throbbing house and drag queens on counters; first kisses, last call: the gay bar has long been a place of solidarity and sexual expression - whatever your scene, whoever you're seeking. But in urban centers around the world, they are closing, a cultural demolition that has Jeremy Atherton Lin wondering: What was the gay bar? How have they shaped him? And could this spell the end of gay identity as we know it?In Gay Bar, the author embarks upon a transatlantic tour of the hangouts that marked his life, with each club, pub, and dive revealing itself to be a palimpsest of queer history. In prose as exuberant as a hit of poppers and dazzling as a disco ball, he time-travels from Hollywood nights in the 1970s to a warren of cruising tunnels built beneath London in the 1770s; from chichi bars in the aftermath of AIDS to today's fluid queer spaces; through glory holes, into Crisco-slicked dungeons and down San Francisco alleys.

About the Author

Jeremy Atherton Lin

I'm an Asian-American writer living in East Sussex, England. My debut Gay Bar (2021) , an exploration of some places that informed my identity, received the National Book Critics Circle Award in Autobiography. I'm very grateful for those who've helped this little book circulate. You can visit the SOUND page on my website for radio shows and mixtapes inspired by Gay Bar and other queer concepts.

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