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Deuces whole world has changed.Down below, she was considered an adult. Now, topside in a town called Salvation, shes a brat in need of training in the eyes of the townsfolk. She doesnt fit in with the other girls Deuce only knows how to fight. To make matters worse, her Hunter partner, Fade, keeps Deuce at a distance. Her feelings for Fade havent changed, but he seems not to want her around anymore. Confused and lonely, she starts looking for a way out. Deuce signs up to serve in the summer patrolsthose who make sure the planters can work the fields without danger. It should be routine, but things have been changing on the surface, just as they did below ground. The Freaks have grown smarter. Theyre watching. Waiting. Planning. The monsters dont intend to let Salvation survive, and it may take a girl like Deuce to turn back the tide.

About the Author

Ann Aguirre

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Ann Aguirre has been a clown, a clerk, a savior of stray kittens, and a voice actress, not necessarily in that order. She grew up in a yellow house across from a cornfield, but now she lives in Mexico with her family. She writes all kinds of genre fiction, but she has an eternal soft spot for a happily ever after. ? Subscribe to my newsletter for exclusive content (ongoing serial story) , book recs, giveaways, and the latest news! www.annaguirre.comStay in touch! ? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ann.aguirre? : https://www..com/author/show/835348.Ann_Aguirre? Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/ann-aguirre? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ann_aguirre_author

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