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There has never been a more remarkable national leader in modern history than Peter the Great (1672–1725). He was a giant in every way. In physical stature, willpower, enthusiasm, energy, libertinism, and refusal to accept old conventions, he stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries. He grew up in an atmosphere of fear, suspicion, and court rivalries that often assumed violent forms. He only gained power, at the age of seventeen, by ousting his half sister, Sophia, and shutting her up in a nunnery. As a product of the system, Peter was, of necessity, ruthless and tyrannical, personally carrying out the execution of defeated rebels and even effecting the death of his own son.But there his identification with Russia’s past ends.

About the Author

Derek Wilson

DEREK WILSON is one of Britain's leading popular historians whose books enjoy worldwide acclaim. Derek has published (at the latest count) 64 books in both factual and fictional formats. He specializes in the Tudor period, although his subject coverage is wider (currently Charlemagne - A Biography is proving particularly popular in the USA) . For a complete list of available titles please visit his website, www.derekwilson.com.
His most recent books are:
The Thomas Treviot series of Tudor crime thrillers based on real-life mysteries from the archives. 'historical fiction at its best', Alison Weir.
The First Horseman - 'a resounding success', thebookbag.co.uk
The Traitor's Mark - 'exciting and brilliantly researched thriller', the Good Book Guide
The Devil's Chalice - 'Wilson's narrative is both gripping and insightful', History of Royals
The English Reformation - 'stimulating and authoritative', Dr John Guy
Henry VIII - Reformer and Tyrant - 'masterful biography', Choice Magazine
Mrs Luther and Her Sisters - Women in the Reformation - 'a timely and absorbing study', Jessie Childs

a leading historian of the Tudor period whose acclaimed works include: 'Henry VIII: Reformer and Tyrant', 'The English Reformation: How England was transformed by the Tudors', 'After the Storm: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther', 'Uncrowned Kings of England: The Black Legend of the Dudleys' and biographies of Thomas Walsingham, the Earl of Leicester, Hans Holbein and Thomas More. He is currently working on 'Mrs Luther's Sisters: What Women did for the Reformation and the Reformation did for Women'.

His current fiction writing, under the name D.K. Wilson, is a series of mid-Tudor whodunits, 'The First Horseman' and 'The Traitor's Mark', featuring London goldsmith Thomas Treviot.

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