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If forgiving your ex-husband was easy, everybody would do it. Brent had cheated on Dayna and coldly said goodbye to her seven long years ago—dashing her hopes of having children or growing old with the love of her life. Working hard to make herself successful as a hospital executive, Dayna has moved on, finding comfort in a new dating relationship with a faith-filled colleague, Warren. But when Brent resurfaces on her doorstep at just the wrong time, Dayna’s heart threatens to come unglued. Why is Brent asking for forgiveness now? And why are he and his new wife, Tamara, interested in reconciliation with Dayna? The unbelievable answers in Coming Home begin to surface as Brent boldly asks Dayna to support him at the most crucial time of his life.

About the Author

Stacy Hawkins Adams

Thanks for stopping by.
I'm delighted to share with you my:

* 9 women's fiction novels which share stories about everyday women seeking everyday joy
* 1 nonfiction book that will inspire you to better know yourself by recognizing God's voice

Whichever book(s) you choose, I hope you'll reach the end of what I've written feeling entertained or enlightened, and changed for the better in some way.

There's more info about my work - including my LifeUntapped.com inspirational blog, my Huffington Post blog and newspaper parenting column - on my website: STACYHAWKINSADAMS.COM
Hope you'll visit me there, too; and if you love what you read, will you tell a friend?

Heartfelt Thanks and Happy Reading,


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