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The idyllic facade of a small coastal tourist magnet hides its secrets well. But when the shining star pitcher of the girls' softball team guns down the most popular boy in school, the shockwaves reverberate far beyond the school's walls. In the wake of the killing, two of the town's newer residents turn over deeply embedded rocks, exposing a subculture of almost unimaginable horror lurking beneath. Formerly a nurse with Mdecins Sans Frontires, Dolly has become a defender and confidante to dozens of local teenage girls, and she refuses to accept that MaryLou ("Mighty Mary") McCoy's gunning down Cameron Taft in a high school hallway is a typical school shooting. Although MaryLou's guilt is not in doubt - it's even captured on the school's security camera - the girl insists on a trial .

About the Author

Andrew Vachss

Andrew Vachss has been a federal investigator in sexually transmitted diseases, a social-services caseworker, a labor organizer, and has directed a maximum-security prison for "aggressive-violent" youth. Now a lawyer in private practice, he represents children and youth exclusively, and is a founding member of the Legislative Drafting Institute for Child Protection. He is the author of numerous novels, including the Burke series, three collections of short stories, and a wide variety of other material including song lyrics, graphic novels, essays, and a "children's book for adults." He is most currently engaged in the work of the Legislative Drafting Institute for Child Protection (ldicp.org) . His books have been translated into twenty languages, and his work has appeared in Parade, Antaeus, Esquire, Playboy, The New York Times, and many other forums. His books have been awarded the Grand Prix de Littérature Policiére, the Falcon Award, Deutschen Krimi Preis, Die Jury des Bochumer Krimi Archivs and the Raymond Chandler Award (per Giurìa a Noir in Festival, Courmayeur, Italy) . Andrew Vachss' latest books are Mortal Lock (Vintage, May 2013) , SignWave (Pantheon, June 2015) , and Carbon (Haverhill House, 2019) . The dedicated Web site for Vachss and his work is vachss.com.

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