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In this follow-up to her international bestseller How Women Rise, Sally Helgesen draws on three decades of work with executives and aspiring leaders around the world to offer practical ways to build more inclusive relationships, teams, and workplaces. Participants at leadership conferences often tell Sally, "Please don't spend your time telling us why developing and retaining a diverse workforce is important. We get it. The problem is, we don't know how to do it." Rising Together provides that missing how in full detail by identifying both what holds us back and specific tactics that can help us move forward.. First, Sally identifies the eight common triggers most likely to undermine our ability to collaborate across divides - not only of gender, but also of age, ethnicity, race, sexuality, and life experience.

About the Author

Sally Helgesen

Sally Helgesen is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and leadership development consultant. Her latest book, The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work, explores the strategic dimension of women's leadership. Her other books include The Female Advantage: Women's Ways of Leadership, hailed as "the classic work" on women's leadership style, translated into 12 languages and continually in print for twenty years, and The Web of Inclusion: A New Architecture for Building Great Organizations, cited in The Wall Street Journal as one of the best books on leadership of all time.Sally delivers seminars, keynotes, and workshops for the world's leading corporations, associations, universities, and non-profits.

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