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Lose yourself in this opposites-attract romance set on a sunny Malibu hillside . Ivy Bauer is a young, bright soil scientist and inventor of a game changing organic irrigation system. She's on top of the world when, suddenly, her husband is killed in a biking accident. Needing space to grieve, she takes a summer job as a gardener in Malibu. . Conrad Reed is a wealthy Hollywood has-been who, after the death of his wife, feels overwhelmed by the care of his anxious stepson Hudson, massive cliffside estate, and deteriorating career. He hopes Ivy will help take at least one thing off his plate. But the bossy, opinionated Ivy isn't making things any easier for him. Sparks fly - and not the good kind. . But it's when Ivy finds the key to Hudson's heart that Conrad's own heart begins to melt as well - and then the sparks that fly are the ones that kindle the best kind of love affair .

About the Author

Libby Gill

After nearly twenty years in senior leadership roles at media giants Universal, Sony and Turner Broadcasting, as well as the PR/branding brain behind the launch of the Dr. Phil Show, Libby is now CEO of business coaching and brand strategy firm Libby Gill & Company. A sought-after international speaker, Libby is one of a handful of female speakers with C-level experience, top-notch content and dynamic delivery. Her clients have included Nike, Warner Bros, Disney, Oracle, PayPal, Kellogg, Avery Dennison, CA Technologies, Microsoft, and many more. A frequent media guest, Libby has shared her success strategies on the Today Show, CNN, NPR, Oprah & Friends Radio Network, MSNBC, CBS Early Show, and in Time Magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, O Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Self and numerous media outlets. With a focus on helping individuals and organizations "capture the mindshare" - that is, the heads and hearts - of their customers, colleagues and communities, Libby delivers keynote addresses, custom training programs and coaching for companies desiring to create a culture of risk-taking, innovation and bold leadership. Her proven "Clarify, Simplify & Execute" process inspires people to maximize their "Leadership DNA," build high-passion/high-performance teams; and increase employee engagement through authentic brands. Deciding she would answer the call of entrepreneurship, Libby left the corporate world and founded Libby Gill & Company in November 2000. As she was reinventing her professional life, Libby's personal life also underwent a major transition. She chronicled her journey of overcoming the self-perceived limitations left behind by a family legacy of alcoholism, divorce, mental illness and suicide in her bestselling book TRAVELING HOPEFULLY: How to Lose Your Family Baggage and Jumpstart Your Life (St. Martin's Press) .Libby's bestseller YOU UNSTUCK: Mastering the New Rules of Risk-taking in Work and Life was the recipient of an Independent Publishers Award. Business leaders including Zappos. com CEO Tony Hsieh and Dr. Ken Blanchard have endorsed her book. A member of the Author's Guild and Rock School Scholarship Fund Advisory Board, Libby lives in Los Angeles and is the proud mother of two fabulous sons, a college senior and a high school senior.

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