About the Book

Totally geared to the brand-new test scheduled to be introduced in , this volume in McGraw-Hill Educations four-book MCAT test-prep series offers two full-length practice MCAT exams in the new test format. Students get more than MCAT-style questions for practice, with detailed answer explanations. The unique Cross-Platform format adds outstanding value for students, who can study the whole program in print, online, or on a mobile device. Closely follows the MCAT syllabus created for the all-new test Practice with MCAT-style questions on every topic Matches the real test in topic coverage and degree of difficulty About the Cross-Platform format The Cross-Platform format provides a fully comprehensive print, online, and mobile program Entire instructional content available in print and digital form Personalized study plan and daily goals Powerful analytics to assess test readiness Flashcards, games, and social media for additional support For the time-pressured MCAT student, this unparalleled digital access means that full study resources are always at hand.

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