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What would happen if a dinosaur came to a birthday party? Come to Danny's house and find out. His friend the dinosaur helps make this one party you'll never forget!

About the Author

Syd Hoff

Whether you're seven or seventy, the chances are you've probably come in contact with one of his many books (150 plus) , or cartoons that have appeared in over 200 magazines in the course of his lifetime, including Laugh it Off which was syndicated for 20 years. His comic strip Tuffy, about a little girl who did funny things, was declared essential for national morale during WWII by William Randolph Hearst. Syd has worked in diverse genres. He had the distinct honor of working with Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen as a contributor of short fiction writing. He was awarded national advertising commissions for large companies such as Chevrolet, Maxwell House Coffee and others. He had his own TV show (Tales of Hoff on CBS) , traveled the world as entertainment on cruise ships and entertained children and teachers in schools and libraries across the country.

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