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Talia Hibbert meets Carley Fortune in this swoon-worthy story of love and friendship in the age of social media - where what you see might not be all you get. To her countless Instagram followers Josephine Boateng is the dazzling Dr. Jojo - and her opinions on health, growth, and self-love matter. Her message: be smart (she has a medical degree after all) , be significant, and do not put up with foolish men.But behind the camera, Jo's story is more complicated - she finds her influencer career underwhelming; her potential career in medicine overwhelming, and she's hung up on her best friend, nepo-baby and romcom heartthrob Ezra Adelman. When Ezra shows up to his thirtieth birthday party with her childhood bully on his arm, however, Josephine realizes that it's time to take her own advice and prioritize herself for once.

About the Author

Shirlene Obuobi

Shirlene Obuobi is a Ghanaian-American physician, cartoonist, and author who grew up in Chicago, Illinois, Hot Springs, Arkansas and The Woodlands, Texas. When she's not in the hospital (and let's be honest, even when she's in it) , she can be found drawing comics, writing on her phone, and obsessing over her three cats. She currently lives in Chicago, where she is completing her cardiology fellowship.

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