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Celebrate James Baldwin's one-hundredth birthday anniversary with the first-ever illustrated biography of this legendary writer, orator, activist, and intellectual.Before he became a writer, James "Jimmy" Baldwin was a young boy from Harlem, New York, who loved stories. He found joy in the rhythm of music, family, and books.But Jimmy also found the blues, as a Black man living in America.When he discovered the written word, he discovered true power. Writing gave him a voice. And that voice opened the world to Jimmy. From the publication of the groundbreaking collection of essays The Fire Next Time to his passionate demonstrations during the civil rights movement, Jimmy used his voice fearlessly.Michelle Meadows, author of Brave Ballerina and Flying High, introduces young readers to the great American novelist, essayist, poet, playwright, orator, and artist James Baldwin, who, with the fire of his pen, dared a nation to dream of a more equitable world filled with love.

About the Author

Michelle Meadows

Michelle Meadows is the author of many acclaimed books for children. Connection, compassion, and family are common themes in her work. Michelle studied journalism and literature at Syracuse University. Michelle is represented by literary agent Rosemary Stimola of the Stimola Literary Studio. She grew up in Washington, D.C. and now lives near the beach in Delaware with her husband.

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