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World War II spy, Filipino guerrilla fighter, war hero, Medal of Freedom recipient, leprosy survivor, teacher, peacemaker . . . The legendary and inspiring life and work of Josefina "Joey" Guerrero is introduced to readers by two-time Newbery Medal winner, National Book Award finalist, and bestselling author Erin Entrada Kelly. For fans of Steve Sheinkin and Candace Fleming.Joey Guerrero, a native of the Philippines, was diagnosed with leprosy (Hansen's disease) as World War II unfolded in Europe and Asia. Soon after the Japanese occupied the Philippines, Joey - believing she would die soon - joined the guerrilla movement to complete covert missions in support of the Allies. Because of her condition, she was rarely searched by Japanese soldiers, which allowed her to courier secret messages, including an invaluable minefield map that she taped to her back.

About the Author

Erin Entrada Kelly

Erin Entrada Kelly was raised in Lake Charles, La., but now lives in suburban Philadelphia. Her mother was the first in her family to emigrate from the Philippines. Erin is a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee and was a finalist for the Philippines Free Press Literary Award for Short Fiction. To learn more, visit her online at www.erinentradakelly.com.

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