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Everyone loves how the Instant Pot is revolutionizing cooking with easy one-pot meals. But what if you can enjoy your favorite food with the speed and ease of the Instant Pot - while losing weight?After a lifelong struggle with fad diets and constant weight gain, Audrey Johns changed the way she ate by focusing more on eating real foods. She not only lost weight - dropping 150 pounds in eleven months - she successfully kept it off. Sharing her lean recipes on her blog Lose Weight by Eating.com and in her cookbooks, she's helped thousands of others achieve their own weight loss. Now, in this helpful, practical book built for busy lives and families, Audrey shows how you can use this hugely popular kitchen appliance to save you time and calories, with sixty tasty recipes and plenty of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the Instant Pot.

About the Author

Audrey Johns

My name is Audrey Johns and I would like to share my remarkable weight loss story with you. I have been heavy my entire life, at my largest I was 275 lbs and a size 20. I hated how I looked and how I felt. I have tried every diet out there, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Atkins, sugar free, fat free, calorie counting, you name it I've tried it. Sometimes I would lose a little weight, but inevitably something happened, I gave up and gained it back plus more. In 2011 I had enough of being fat, I hated that I was always the fattest person in the room. I started cooking 3 meals a day and enjoyed the ritual of cooking and taking better care of myself, but most of all I enjoyed the food. I taught myself to cook and with that how to lose weight. I found that when I stopped eating all processed foods, anything with chemicals, preservatives and artificial sweeteners, and increased my water intake the weight just started to fall off! I had been struggling to lose weight eating frozen "diet" meals and diet sodas all day every day, eating under 1000 calories all along starving and gaining weight. Now I was eating real food every day and drinking lots of water. My calorie count went up to 1200-1400 and the weight flew off and has stayed off. One year later I was 150 lbs lighter! I am now 120 lbs and a size 4, I look and feel amazing.So many of my friends asked about my weight loss that I finally started my blog loseweightbyeating.com on New Years Day 2012 to answer their questions. I wanted to give back to people out there like me who have been searching for the right weight loss information. I want to tell people that a diet that leaves you feeling deprived is not a diet you be a part of because feeling deprived for the rest of your life is not a reasonable way to eat. I started by sharing my recipes, and in 9 months it has evolved into a Virtual Cookbook/ Weight Loss Book/ Cooking Channel.

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