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Hell hath no hunger like a man let out of a cage . . .Shy and awkward, First Daughter Grace Reeves has always done what she's told. Tired of taking orders, she escapes her security detail for a rare moment of peace. Except her worst nightmare comes to life when a ruthless gang of criminals abducts her. Her only choice is to place her trust in Reid Allister, an escaped convict whose piercing gaze awakens something deep inside her. Reid is nothing like her other captors.He's tougher, smarter ... and one blistering look from him makes her hotter than any man ever has.Reid spent years plotting escape and revenge . . .years without a woman in his bed. For this hardened felon, Grace Reeves isn't just out of his league - she's from another planet, but that doesn't stop him from wanting her.

About the Author

Sophie Jordan

Sophie Jordan grew up in the Texas hill country where she wove fantasies of dragons, warriors, and princesses. A former high school English teacher, she's also the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Avon historical romances. She now lives in Houston with her family. When she's not writing, she spends her time overloading on caffeine (lattes and Diet cherry Coke preferred) , talking plotlines with anyone who will listen (including her kids) , and cramming her DVR with true-crime and reality-TV shows. Sophie also writes paranormal romances under the name Sharie Kohler.website: sophiejordan.net

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