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Indulge your naughtiest food fantasies and satisfy your gluttony and lust with this succulent cook-and-look book, from a self-described "burger pervert" and creator of the notorious PornBurger blog.PornBurger is Washington, DC, chef, food stylist, and creative producer Mathew Ramsey's orgasmic experiment: ingredient-driven, flavor-intense, sensually divine excess that caters to the food fetishist in all of us. Shamelessly health-unconscious and ready to entertain (or offend) , Ramsey's recipes deliver the ultimate in debauched burger stackography - handcrafted buns, patties, toppings, and sides, even some boozy beverages - expertly designed and lusciously photographed in a set of bombshell burger pinups.But don't be fooled by raunchy descriptions and Ramsey's signature burger puns, like the Bill U Murray Me?, Spamela Anderson, and the Willem DaFoe-nut.

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