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In Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol, award-winning journalist Anne Dowsett Johnston combines in-depth research with her own personal story of recovery, and delivers a groundbreaking examination of a shocking yet little recognized epidemic threatening society today the precipitous rise in risky drinking among women and girls. With the feminist revolution, women have closed the gender gap in their professional and educational lives. They have also achieved equality with men in more troubling areas as well. In the U.S. alone, the rates of alcohol abuse among women have skyrocketed in the past decade. DUIs, drunkorexia choosing to limit eating to consume greater quantities of alcohol, and health problems connected to drinking are all risinga problem exacerbated by the alcohol industry itself.

About the Author

Ann Dowsett Johnston

The winner of five National Magazine Awards, Ann Dowsett Johnston is a writer and editor recognized for her expertise in higher education and alcohol policy. A recipient of the Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy and a Southam Fellowship in Journalism, she spent most of her professional career at Maclean's magazine, where she was best known as the chief architect of the university-rankings issue. A graduate of Queen's University and a former vice principal of McGill University, she lives in Toronto.

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