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When the sun goes down and everything is wonderfully cold and dark, a vampire boy and a little witch go searching for children in the night.But this is no ordinary night. It is Halloween, and what they find may surprise them. . . .

About the Author

Lisa Brown

LISA BROWN is the bestselling author and/or illustrator of a growing number of books, including "How to Be," "The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming," and "Baby Mix Me a Drink." She draws the Three Panel Book Review cartoon for the book section of the San Francisco Chronicle. Lisa lives in San Francisco with her son and her husband, who is rumored to be Lemony Snicket.Lisa Brown's latest book is "Picture the Dead," by Adele Griffin, an illustrated Civil War era ghost story for young adults. Her next picture book for children is "Vampire Boy's Good Night," which will be published in time for Halloween, 2010.

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