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The Red Tent meets The Scarlett Letter in this haunting historical novel set in a colonial New England whaling village. "When was it that the sense of trouble grew to fear, the fear to certainty? When she sat down to another solitary supper of bread and beer and pic

About the Author

Sally Cabot Gunning

A lifelong resident of New England, Sally Cabot Gunning has immersed herself in its history from a young age. She is the author of six critically acclaimed historically themed novels: The Widow's War, Bound, The Rebellion of Jane Clarke, Benjamin Franklin's Bastard, Monticello: A Daughter and Her Father, and her latest novel, released June 2021, Painting the Light. Elected fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society and president of The Brewster Historical Society, she has created numerous historical tours of her village. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, and an assortment of short story anthologies. She lives with her husband Tom in Brewster, Massachusetts.

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