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The true story of 2 year-old Anna, abandoned by her natural parents, left alone in a neglected orphanage.Elaine and Ian had travelled half way round the world to adopt little Anna. She couldn't have been more wanted, loved and cherished. So why was she now in foster care and living with me? It didn't make sense.Until I learned what had happened. ... Dressed only in nappies and ragged T-shirts the children were incarcerated in their cots. Their large eyes stared out blankly from emaciated faces. Some were obviously disabled, others not, but all were badly undernourished. Flies circled around the broken ceiling fans and buzzed against the grids covering the windows. The only toys were a few balls and a handful of building bricks, but no child played with them.

About the Author

Cathy Glass

HiI live in England and have three children, two birth children and one adopted. When I left school I held a clerical position in the civil service, which I left to start a family. At the same time I became a foster carer, which is the inspiration for much of my writing. I have been a foster carer for over twenty-five years and am what's known as a specialist foster carer, sometimes referred to as a level 3 carer. This is in recognition of my experience and qualifications and means that I am often asked to look after children with complex needs or very challenging behaviour. I have a degree in education and psychology which I was awarded as a mature student. I have always been a writer - from when I was at school, with poems in the school magazine. In my teens I began writing short stories, articles, a few radio plays, and entering writing competitions. Like many writers it was a hobby - something I did almost furtively in my spare time, while working, and then later fostering and looking after my family. The two halves of my life - writer and foster carer - came together in 2007 when I wrote about a child I'd fostered and the book immediately became a number one best seller. Since then there have been many bestsellers, thanks to you, my readers. I really appreciate all your support and best wishes.I also write thriller books under the pen name Lisa Stone: www.lisastonebooks.co.uk Best wishesCathy x

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