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Through a series of interviews, photographs and footage shot in the actual locations of her memories, Gerda Weissmann Klein takes us on her journey of survival of the Holocaust.

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About the Author

Gerda Weissmann Klein

Gerda Weissmann Klein was born in Bielsko, Poland, in 1924, and now lives in Arizona with her husband, Kurt Klein, who as a U.S. Army lieutenant liberated Weissmann on May 7, 1945. The author of five books, she has received many awards and honorary degrees and has lectured throughout the country for the past forty-five years. One Survivor Remembers (a production of Home Box Office and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) , winner of an Emmy Award and the Academy Award for documentary short subject, was based on All But My Life. She will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom in early 2011.

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