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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Stephen Kings It! (DVD) IT rises from dank, dark places. IT preys on children. IT knows exactly what scares you--and IT never goes away. A sinister force lurks menacingly behind the warm visage of Pennywise the Clown (Tim Curry) , who awakens every thirty years to terrorize the small New England town of Derry, altering reality to animate victims greatest fears in Stephen Kings chilling IT. Somehow, seven children defeat the evil incarnation. But now, three decades later, the savage menace resurrects. And the seven victors return as adults to again fight a horrifying battle between good and evil--where personal demons may be lethal--in the spine-tingling miniseries Stephen Kings IT. ]]> AMAZON.COM Is there anything scarier than clowns? Of course not. And who knows scary better than Stephen King? You see where were going. It puts a malevolent clown (given demented life by a powdered, red-nosed Tim Curry) front and center, as Kings fat novel gets the TV-movie treatment. Even at three hours plus, the action is condensed, but an engaging Stand by Me vibe prevails for much of the running time. The seven main characters, as adolescents, conquered a force of pure evil in their Maine hometown. Now, the cackling Pennywise is back, and they must come home to fight him--or, should we say, It--again. Admitting the TV-movie trappings and sometimes hysterical performances, this is a genuinely gripping thriller. As so often with King, the basic idea (the bond formed during a childhood trauma) is clean and powerful, a lifeline anchored in reality that leads us to the supernatural. --Robert Horton

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