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*This listing is for the standard edition version and does NOT come with a limited edition slipcase!* When Kamal resolves to change his life for the better, he leaves Belgium to help war victims in Syria. But, having arrived, he is forced to join ISIS and is left stranded in Raqqa. Back home, his younger brother Nassim quickly becomes easy prey for radical recruiters, who promise to reunite him with his brother. Their mother, Leila, fights to protect the only thing she has left: her youngest son. Bonus Features: 1. Intro from the Filmmakers 2. Adil & Bilall Short Film: Broeders (2011) 3. Commentary Track with Adil & Bilall 4. Animatic to Scene: Attack of the Village; Intro Musical #1 5. Behind the Scene Footage: Attack of the Hospital; ISIS Kid Boot Camp; Musical #1 6.

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