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Italian Americans have customs, folkways, beliefs, and behaviors that are unique to their culture. According to Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, who in this work puts a whole new spin on family history research, familiarizing yourself with this culture is the best way to research the American generations of your Italian-American family history. In focusing on Italian-American culture, she has developed a unique approach not only to Italian-American genealogical research, but to genealogical research in general. Her goal is to show you how to document your heritage while placing each generation of your family in its cultural milieu and telling a factual and interesting story about the family. Among other things, this book enables you to evaluate American records for information specific to Italian-American research, to appreciate the importance of Italian-American cultural perspective, and to write a readable and interesting family history. Above all else, though, this book is designed to help you enjoy researching the American generations of your Italian-American family history.

About the Author

Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

Sharon DeBartolo Carmack is a Certified Genealogist with an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing. She is the author of twenty-three books, including Tell It Short: A Guide to Writing Your Family History in Brief and Inheriting the Gordon Hips, a collection of humorous essays. (These are currently available through Scattered Leaves Press at http://warrencarmack.com/) She is also the author of hundreds of articles, essays, columns, and reviews that have appeared in nearly every major genealogical journal and publication, as well as essays in literary publications, such as Creative Nonfiction, Brevity, Hippocampus Magazine, Portland Review, Steinbeck Review, and Phoebe: A Journal of Literature and Art. Sharon's essays have also been finalists in contests for the Bellingham Review's Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction and in Creative Nonfiction's True Crime contest.

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