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The film brings to life the legendary cookbook author and television superstar who changed the way Americans think about food, television, and even women. Using never-before-seen archival footage, personal photos, first-person narratives, and cutting-edge, mouth-watering food cinematography, the film traces Julia Child's twelve year struggle to create and publish the revolutionary Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961) which has sold more than 2.5 million copies to date, and her rapid ascent to become the country's most unlikely television star. It's the empowering story of a woman who found her purpose, and her fame, at 50, and took America along on the whole delicious journey.

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About the Author

José Andrés

Twice named to Time's "100 Most Influential People" list, and awarded "Outstanding Chef" and "Humanitarian of the Year" by the James Beard Foundation, José Andrés is an internationally-recognized culinary innovator, New York Times best-selling author, educator, television personality, humanitarian, and chef/owner of ThinkFoodGroup. A pioneer of Spanish tapas in America, he is known for his avant-garde cuisine and award-winning group of 31 restaurants throughout the country and beyond, including two-Michelin starred minibar by José Andrés. His work with his non-profit World Central Kitchen has earned global respect - notably, his team served over 3.6 million meals to the people of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.

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